Midfield Elementary School

Prepare Graduates for Excellence in a Global, Innovative, and Diverse Society

MCS Registration 2024-2025

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What Do I Need to Register My Child?¿Qué necesito para registrar a mi hija/hijo?

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Registro MCS 2024-2025

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Title I Presentation

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MCS Code of Conduct

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Codigo de conducta estudiantil de MCS

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Upcoming Events/Próximos Eventos

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MES Parent Engagement Plan 2023-2024

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Plan de Participacion de Padres y Familias 23-24

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2022-2023 Strategy Map

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Presentación MES Título I 23-24

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Escuela Primaria Midfield ACIP SY 22-23

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School/Parent Compact Form

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Formulario compacto entre escuela y padres, versión en español

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2023-2024 Strategy Map

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Escuela Primaria Midfield ACIP SY 23-24

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Lunch Menu/Menu del almuerzo

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